Provide a choice of text colour, low/high contrast choice as a minimum.Ensure sound / music choices for each key objects / events are distinct from each other.Provide separate volume controls or mutes for effects, speech and background/music.Provide gameplay thumbnails with game saves.Support voice chat as well as text for multiplayer games.Provide an option to turn off / hide background movement.Give a clear indication that interactive elements are interactive.Ensure no essential information (especially instructions) is conveyed by text alone, reinforce with visuals and/or speech.If using a long overarching narrative, provide summaries of progress.Employ a simple, clear narrative structure.Include a means of practicing without failure, such as a practice level or sandbox mode.Indicate / allow reminder of controls during gameplay.Indicate / allow reminder of current objectives during gameplay.
analogue, speech, gesture) not required, and included only as supplementary / alternative input methods Ensure that all key actions can be carried out by digital controls (pad / keys / presses), with more complex input ( or swipe) are not required, and included only as a supplementary / alternative input method Ensure that multiple simultaneous actions (eg.cursor/touch controlled menu options) stationary Make interactive elements that require accuracy (eg.Ensure interactive elements / virtual controls are large and well spaced, particularly on small or touch screens.Include an option to adjust the sensitivity of controls.Ensure that all areas of the user interface can be accessed using the same input method as the gameplay.Ensure controls are as simple as possible, or provide a simpler alternative.Allow controls to be remapped / reconfigured.